Haunted Colorado

The most supernatural places in our superbly natural state

Text by Kristian DePue

Photos by Brianne Keefer

Editor’s note: These are the creepy Colorado places to visit. Read our companion piece to find the creepy Colorado tales to tell.

Scroll these photos to read about some of the most haunted places in Colorado.

Brianne Keefer is a Colorado native and a portrait photographer. She enjoys drawing, hiking, and writing poetry. “I started this haunted series to get people excited about Halloween, and I have a fascination with the paranormal,” said Keefer. “I grew up in a haunted house in Black Forest, not far from the Lee house. As a child, I told my mom I’d see the figure of a woman covered in miller moths enter my room late at night. There were unexplainable footsteps, whispers and apparitions. To this day, Black Forest still chills me to the bone — but this subject is my bread and butter.”