Flyathletes Make a Run for it in Saguache

Runnin’ and fishin’ and drinkin’ good beer

By Joe Ross

Photo: Rocky Mountain Flyathlon

If you’re out riding or hiking in the San Luis Valley this summer and you see a young girl aiming a BB gun at a less-than- desirable can of beer, fear not. All the people cheering her on are participants in the 3rd Annual Rocky Mountain Flyathlon – a running, fishing and craft beer contest that raises money for trails and fish habitat. Colorado craft breweries provide event- themed beers, and craft whiskey also seems to turn up.

In honor of the state’s stature as the king of craft beer, the event begins with “the traditional sacrifice of a mass-produced beer-like-thing,” said organizer Andrew Todd, who dreamed up the crazy Colorado event. Last year, that was a clamato-infused light beer. For the record, he had taught his daughter how to handle the BB gun before her Annie Oakley-like takedown of the nasty beer, which resulted in wild jubilation from the crowd.

Photo: Rocky Mountain Flyathlon

With the clammy brew out of the way, 50 athletes competed in the big event, beginning with a 7-mile run carrying a fly rod through the Middle Creek drainage near Saguache (sounds like SuhWatch). Along the way, they had to catch a fish – preferably an “elusive Rio Grande cutthroat trout,” Todd says. Rarer and bigger fish are better because the type of catch helps your score. Rumor has it that a bottle of locally produced whiskey might have been found by some of the flyathletes at the 3.5- mile turnaround marker. Todd would not confirm that detail at press time.

By early afternoon, all flyathletes were accounted for (despite reports of rattlesnakes), and the overwhelming majority had photographed a trout, carefully sized up on their race bib tape measure. With the serious business done, everyone dug in to the Southern barbecue and craft beers.

Along the way, participants learn about trails, fish species and habitat, and more, while also raising money for a good cause. Last year, they raised $20,000 for trail rehabilitation, which begins in June with the help of volunteers from Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado, said Todd, a federal fish biologist based in Denver.

Photo: Rocky Mountain Flyathlon

Kelly (whose last name will remain anonymous) was the top fundraiser in 2015, and the runner up in 2014. He said the booze is another highlight. “The running is hard, the fishing a challenge, but the enjoyment of fine Colorado craft brews and spirits the night before and after the Flyathlon is the icing on the cake,” he said.

Elevation Beer Company provided First Cast IPA (what else?) for the event, as well as some “drinkable trophies for the winners,” Todd said. “San Luis Valley Brewing Co. brought a double red ale called Wildfire that packed a bigger punch that sent some people to their tents early.”

Three Barrel Brewing contributed Thurday Special, a coconut brown lager that has been a flyathlete favorite two years running. And Upslope Brewing Co. provided a variety of canned beers that kept everyone happy.

According to Andrew Schmidt, one of Todd’s coworkers who plans to compete again in August, the “Flyathlon is such a fun combination of awesome activities, great people and all in an amazing location. Prior to the event, I was certainly into fishing, running and delicious beer, I just hadn’t put them together so seamlessly.”

The 3rd Annual Rocky Mountain Flyathlon is set for Aug. 12-14 (permit pending) in Saguache. Todd says similar events will be held in Gunnison and northern Idaho this summer. Check for details at

Joe Ross spends much of his time looking for great stories and great beers.